Monday, April 11, 2016

Dear World..

Dear World,
Why are we so hard on ourselves?
Why are we so hard on each other?
Aren't we all just trying to live the best way we know how
Shouldn't we be trying to figure it out together?
Don't we all struggle?
Don't we all have broken hearts?
I have a broken heart.
Honestly, it probably doesn't even look like a heart anymore, it's just pieces.
I cry, I get sad, I judge, I lie, I cheat, I can be rude, I say mean things, I get jealous, I feel unwanted.
I also feel love, jot, I laugh, I smile, I get excited, I dance, I am happy.
I can be all of these things.
You can be all of these things.
We can be all of these things.
Some days are good, some are bad.
Living is hard, pain, work, laughter, love, heartbreak, learning.
It is ALL these things.
Not just the good.  Now just the bad.
I'm here world.
I love you world.
I want to listen world.
I want to be your friend world.
We'll be ok world.
One broken heart to another

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