Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Break

Good Afternoon and Happy Summer!

I have sat and stared at my pen and paper for what feels like decades these past couple months, with just nothing in my brain, staring at an empty page with no words.  Usually my problem is that I have too many words, not having ANY words was a new one for me.  So I kind of dropped the ball on the whole blogging front, sorry about that.

This summer has been A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.  So it kind of caught me by surprise when I didn't have words.  I once again won the job lottery, and have just finished the hardest but the most incredible 8 weeks as a student chaplain, which will be a whole post on it's own.

Throughout this "mental health journey" let's call it, I have learned that for me taking breaks are not just luxuries but necessities.  For me to be a human being, taking breaks is vital.  Having a day, or a night, or a weekend to look forward to, where I know I am going to have a break.

In April I was finishing up probably the worst semester ever, no not probably, it was actually the worst semester ever.  I was exhausted mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, completely wiped out.  At the end of this dark, dreary, disgusting tunnel was April 20th where my little friend family was coming to the Hammer to spend the day.  Whenever I was sad, fed up, angry, disappointed (you get the idea) in the back of my mind I had April 20 to keep me going.  My bestest friends came up to my house, and we went to see a waterfall, we got coffee, and dinner, and we ended the day worshiping Jesus together along with hundreds of others at Outcry. 
Seconds before I fell to my almost death

Trying to figure out our pose

**All of these waterfall pictures and the video were done by the amazingly talented Alison Brown and this is her website GO LOOK AT IT**

We took pictures (A LOT of pictures as you can tell), we laughed, we ate, we explored God's creation, we ate, we sang, we worshipped, we had a break from the real, hard, messy life stuff and we just were.

I recently just got back from another break, a longer one this time.  After 8 weeks of taking care of other people, I escaped to my friend from middle schools cottage in the woods for a few days.  We swam, had three coffees a day, explored, I tried paddle boarding for the first time, took a makeup hiatus, and just spent time outside away from phones, and the outside world and took a break.
Est. '08
Three a day will keep the doctor away
This view though!!!

I encourage you all to take a break this week, or next.  Step away from the heaviness of daily life and just take in God's creation, take in this beautiful world he made for us.  Be with your friends, laugh, watch the clouds, cry, listen to good music, read, write, run, walk, whatever taking a break means to you, do it.  I promise you won't regret it.  YOU DESERVE IT!!!
I love you, you are worth it, keep going!
I'll see you soon **pinky promise**


"And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation."  
- Genesis 2:2-3

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