Saturday, September 17, 2016

Taking Care of Yourself

It has been a hot minute since I have sat down to write a post on here, I'm sorry about that!!

How are you?
How was the end of summer?
How are you enjoying this new season?

I have now officially started my third year of University, and this semester so far I've actually been to almost all of my classes, so round of applause for improvement.

I find life to be just so funny, maybe it's because I find life to be so excruciatingly painful that I just deflect that and turn it into humour, but sometimes I just have to sit back and laugh because how else can you respond to crazy.

Life this week decided that I was getting too comfortable, so it shook me up, and now I feel like I'm living upside down.  Living with mental illness, and I honestly think just living, this happens quite frequently, but this time something was different about the shake up.  Everything I knew as fact kind of went out the window, and I was handed this whole new identity that I haven't quite figured out how to deal with yet.  Usually when something shakes me up, or hurts me really bad I try to run away from it by cutting, or eating, or sleeping, or some such other destructive behaviour.  I don't think that's different from other human beings though, my dad when something hurts him, he runs away from it by hurting someone else, when my brother feels hurt he pushes everyone away, one of my friends, when she feels hurt she runs as fast as she can as hard as she can, literally.

Being shook up, sucks, it just does, however I am learning that I can use these moments as moments to pause and just take care of myself.   Even though we SHOULD be taking care of ourselves all day every day, that doesn't really happen all the time, so I use these as an excuse to block the world out and just be me.

So I've made this list of things that I like to do when I am needing some extra TLC, and maybe (I hope) you'll find something that can help you too.

The day after "the big change" is what I'll call it, I had a super busy day, and I was walking to class when all of a sudden I found myself walking towards the library, not class.  So I just went with it, bought a coffee, found a big comfy chair got my computer out and wrote everything down.  All the thoughts I had about what just happened to me, I put onto the page so that they wouldn't be in my head anymore.  I've heard it be called a "brain dump", on other blogs, some call it a diary, others a journal, it could be on a napkin, with a pen and paper, or in a word document.  Whatever it is, it is the act of taking the racing, jumbled up thoughts in my brain and putting them into the world physically. That's exactly what this blog is, it is my "brain dump".

This morning I woke up earlier than I had to, and I was trying to will myself to get out of bed, and I texted my home girl for motivation, and she just asked "Why do you have to get out of bed?"  Very valid question, it's Saturday, I have no plans, nothing requiring my immediate attention, and I am exhausted, so I went back to bed and didn't get up until I really wanted to.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting we all stay in bed all day every day because that's what we want to, and I am not recommending that at all.  But I am saying, take a day, a weekend, even just a morning, and sleep in!
Two days after "the big change", I was hungry, and I was contemplating just going about my day and ignoring it but then I did a double take in my mind, and my body wanted food, it was hungry, and my body does a lot of things for me, so I made the choice to take care of it AND IT WAS SO FUN.  I went through my fridge that I so often times try to pretend doesn't exist, and I went upstairs to my kitchen and I made my eggs, and I toasted my toast and used my home made jam my uncle so graciously made me, and I made (by made I mean I put the pre made kind into the oven to warm up) my cinnamon bun, and I cut up my strawberries and put them on the plate all pretty, I ground my coffee beans and made myself a fresh pot of coffee.  When I had it all made, and arranged on my plate I just sat and admired my handy work for a little bit, and then I devoured my creation.  I know what you're thinking, eggs, toast, pre made cinnamon bun, doesn't sound very "bomb", but it was for me, it was a step ok?!

I did this all the time in the summer, I made it a point to do this every Friday or Saturday night, because it makes me feel so good.  Spa Day looks different for everyone, because we all have different things that make us feel pampered.  For me spa day, is actually spa night, and it entails a bubble bath (emphasis on the bubble part of that), face mask (it MUST be green), and one of those pore strips (highly recommend, nothing is quite so satisfying).  Whatever your essentials are, just pamper yourself!! Life is hard, and you most certainly deserve it.

This could totally be just a me weird thing, but there is nothing quite so relaxing to me as sitting down in a starbucks, or second cup, or some other coffee shop situation, getting my drink and a snack, and sitting at a table to write, or listen to music, write letters, or honestly do my homework.  I love coffee first of all, and I love writing things, and getting out of the house is a good thing.  Even if I do nothing at all the rest of the day, but I came to starbucks and did something, it makes me feel productive.  (Fun Fact: every single one of my blog posts has been done sitting in a starbucks).
                                                               (Photo: Holly Jaremko)
(Photo: Abbey Brown) 
That's it, 5 very simple things.  They probably sound stupid, sleep, eat, bathe?  Those are all parts of our daily life are they not?  Yes, but when do I ever take the time to make myself a really good breakfast, take the time to sleep in a little bit, take time to bathe. I can only speak for myself, but often times those day to day tasks become mundane, and something I have to do.  I have to shower, but I'm going to do it as quickly as I can because I have 3 papers do this week and I don't have the time.  I have to eat, but I'm going to make this really boring 2 minute oatmeal, or honestly just not eat at all, because I have to be at work in 7 minutes.

I think it comes down to time, taking the time to feed ourselves, taking the time to rest our bodies, taking the time to show ourselves love.

So my friends, this week I challenge you to show yourselves some love, regardless of whether you've had a "big change" moment or not, love yourself this week.

What are some things you do to take care of yourself?  What is your list of 5?


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